Helpful Information Concerning Pedestrian Safety
April is Pedestrian Safety Awareness Month
Pedestrian safety is a big concern in today’s society, not just because of how many cars are on the roads but also because of the design of those roads. Constant improvements and repairs in some areas make the problem even worse and thus make the issue of sidewalk and pedestrian safety even more essential.
Follow Safety Tips

Pedestrian Safety
There are some very important tips pedestrians can follow in order to ensure their safety. While some of these tips may appear to be common sense, their lack of use quite often causes a great deal of harm to those who are unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The most important safety tips include the following:
- Always use sidewalks whenever they are available. The majority of pedestrian accidents occur because someone is walking in the roadway rather than on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, use the left side of the road and make sure to face traffic.
- Pedestrians need to be very alert whenever they are crossing any road. They also need to make sure they remain on the right-hand side of any crosswalks. Drivers are responsible for yielding the right of way to pedestrians, but if they don’t, you end up losing.
- Cross the street ONLY at designated spots (pedestrian crosswalk, crosswalk, pedestrian crossing or tunnel). If a pedestrian is hit while jaywalking, the driver may not be held responsible, and his or her auto insurance may refuse to cover the pedestrian’s injuries. Also, please wait for the walk symbol at the crosswalk. I see people violating this on a daily basis near my office. It may not look dangerous to you, but saving 1 minute is never worth risking your life.
- Cross at intersections but still looking left, right, and then left again before attempting to cross the street.
- Check traffic before stepping into the road from a bus or behind parked cars.
- Exit all vehicles from the side of the street next to the curb.
- Be sure to make eye contact with drivers before proceeding across the street.
Changing the Rules to Promote Pedestrian Safety
Many city sidewalks lack the capacity that is necessary for the safe control of pedestrian traffic. One of the big problems that face these cities is the need for them to implement a variety of safety projects that focus solely on making improvements in the streets. If you have noticed pedestrian issues such as poorly planned sidewalks, crosswalks, etc, we urge you to contact your city and demand that something be done. Call your local news stations and see if they’re interested in doing a community segment dedicated to this issue. Many times, this type of publicity will result in action.
Our firm is active in the Dallas area, and we help pedestrians who have been injured by vehicles as well as premises defects. To speak with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers, visit our website at or call our office at 1-800-ATTORNEY.
Category: Lawyer's Advice