Tag: "National Highway Traffic Safety Administration"

Semi Truck Accident

Why You Need an Experienced Attorney for Your Semi-Truck Accident Injury Case

| April 6, 2018 | Comments (0)

The thought of being involved in an accident with a semi-truck is scary, and a quick look at the numbers reveals a terrifyingly-high rate of accidents involving 18-wheelers. Every 16 minutes, someone is killed in an accident involving a semi-truck. A shocking nine percent of these occur in Texas. The Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) […]

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Truck Accident Common Causes

The 7 Most-Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents

| October 19, 2017 | Comments (0)

18-wheeler trucks are particularly dangerous when they collide with passenger vehicles, and in recent years, there has been more effort on the part of government organizations and trucking companies to reduce the number of serious accidents on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has recently revised hours-of-service laws in an effort to […]

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Texas is Cracking Down on Texting and Driving

Nationwide Effort to Improve Driving Safety Begins in Texas

| March 3, 2016 | Comments (0)

After car accident fatalities jumped 9.3% in the first nine months of 2015, safety officials are working to improve driver behavior in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, as well as the rest of the nation. Mark Rosekind, an administrator for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), along with 300 others, are spear-heading a series of regional summits held […]

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NHTSA Expands Investigation Into Takata Airbag Failures

NHTSA Expands Investigation Into Takata Airbag Failures

| November 9, 2015 | Comments (0)

VIDEO: Slow-motion video of Takata airbag inflator testing. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has expanded the investigation it has been conducting into the defective Takata airbags involved in the biggest auto recall in U.S. history. In October of 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced that it had made plans to expand the investigation […]

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Backup Camera Requirement

Backup Cameras For ALL Cars Starting in 2018

| April 28, 2014 | Comments (0)

Starting in 2018, all US cars will be equipped with backup cameras. It’s scary to hear about accidents where children are hit by vehicles backing out of a driveway or from a parking space. While sometimes these incidents are caused by the driver’s failure to pay attention to what is behind him, in most cases […]

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Child Car Seat Regulations

NHTSA Enacts Changes to Standards in Child Car Seats

| March 13, 2014 | Comments (0)

The National Highway Traffic Administration recently brought forth new regulation aimed at keeping children in car seats safe. These new regulations come in the wake of child car seat recalls by a prominent manufacturer who had to recall its seats due to a product defect. Child Accident Statistics and Consequences Every year, more than 50 children […]

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Recent Findings Spur Talk of Cell Phone Ban - Cell Phone Use Accounted for almost 25% of all vehicle accidents

Recent Findings Spur Talk of Cell Phone Ban – Cell Phone Use Accounted for almost 25% of all vehicle accidents

| April 17, 2012 | Comments (0)

This month is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the National Safety Council (NSC) in D.C. has made a national wide ban on all cell phone use while driving it’s number one priority. Piggy backing on the report that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released last December, the NSC has released its own 2012 […]

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