Commercial Colleges Scamming Students
Education experts estimate that higher education is a $400 billion dollar industry. The government is all for providing loans to individuals seeking a college education because of what it would mean for the country’s economy in the long run. However, not all higher education is equal. Some of these for-profit colleges are unscrupulous, unaccredited, and downright fraudulent.

Commercial College Scams
Commercial colleges are on the rise thanks to lax regulation when it comes to accreditation. In addition, the hunger and demand for higher education keeps growing at an exponential rate with every passing year. Because of this, online colleges keep springing up all over the place to meet this demand.
It’s not uncommon for these colleges to use unethical and questionable practices to ensure that they get enough students to enroll. From aggressive marketing tactics to ensuring that all students pass even when they clearly don’t deserve to, these colleges have taken to adopting a whatever-it-takes mentality in order to qualify for federal government aid.
Employers Look Down on For-Profit College Graduates
Employers, on the other hand, look down on graduates of commercial colleges for good reason. First, graduates attending such colleges often do not receive adequate instruction to enable them to have a certain level of competence in the workplace. For instance, one California college allegedly awarded a medical degree to students who never saw the inside of a hospital during their time in school.
Commercial college graduates are also coming under fire because of their inability to pay their student loans. In many cases, they have been known to default on their loans due to lack of employment.
The University of Phoenix is currently the largest for-profit college in the country with more than half a million students. That said, this huge number of students (as well as rolling enrollments every five weeks) simply makes the college incapable of offering quality education to those that need it.
The government is always on the lookout to protect vulnerable education seekers. Over the last few years, it has instituted changes to ensure that these colleges are transparent about their accreditation. They also now requires commercial colleges to show that their degree courses are actually relevant to the student with regard to the current job market.
Were You Lied to by a Commercial College?
If you believe that you were lied to by your recruiter or school, we invite you to visit our website dedicated to higher education fraud. We have a team of experienced attorneys ready to help you seek the compensation and justice that you deserve. Don’t wait any longer; contact Rasansky Law Firm today!
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