Claims Adjuster Tricks & How to Avoid Them Following a Crash
When insurance claims adjusters talk with you, they have only one intention: to look out for the financial welfare of their company.
No matter how nice they seem on the phone, they are not calling to express their concern about the auto accident, nor will they be swayed by emotional pleas. In order to receive fair compensation for a claim, you must not fall for any of the “tricks” that these insurance claims adjusters commonly employ.
If you don’t have an attorney handling your claim for you, be sure to keep track of and document every communication about the accident that takes place between you and the insurance agency. Insurance adjusters will often use tricks and gimmicks to get people to admit to saying things they didn’t actually say or mean.
Claims adjusters prefer to take recorded statements about auto accidents as early as possible. This is not done for your benefit. When you make your statement, be factual, brief, and to the point. Try to write it our beforehand, and do not offer any more information than is needed. Adjusters commonly take advantage of people’s congeniality (or their sympathy in cases of a fatal accident) and will ask deceptive or irrelevant questions if they think the information can work against the insured’s claim.
Four other common insurance adjuster tricks:
- Sending a “complete release” form, which signs away your right to pursue further compensation.
- Pushing for early settlements, so insureds will close their claim before they discover the true value of their case.
- Using fancy wording or ultimatums in order to intimidate individuals into thinking this is a losing battle.
- Reducing the value of the injury, by cutting down on special damages or refusing to pay for your lost wages.
Why You Should Consider Hiring a Lawyer
If you were uninjured in the accident, you probably do not need to hire an attorney. If you were injured, hiring an attorney can be the best decision you make. Remember that once you hire a lawyer, you no longer need to speak with the insurance company yourself. An experienced attorney will never fall for these tricks, and they can facilitate the negotiation process as soon as you’re done treating.
Personal injury lawyers also cost you nothing out of pocket. Contrary to popular belief, those statements saying “you don’t pay a penny unless we win your case” are absolutely true when it comes to injury cases.
For more information, please see our firm’s page all about automobile accident injury cases.
Category: Lawyer's Advice